About Nina Khlebnikova’s Authorial Methods in Teaching Music Theory Disciplines to Wind Players
On the basis of archival materials preserved in the library fund of the Saratov State L. V.
Sobinov Conservatory, the article discloses the main positions of Nina Khlebnikova’s innovational
methods in the sphere of teaching music theory disciplines to wind students. The eldest and most
experienced pedagogue of the Music Theory and Composition Department, having integrated to
the maximal level the courses of solfege, harmony, counterpoint, instrument study, analysis of
musical compositions and foundations of improvisation with the students’ major discipline of
studies, has activated the students’ instrumental performance during her classes. Along with the
approbated (traditional) forms of work, certain new (untraditional) ones have been enriched by
new content. Thus, within the framework of the solfege classes a number of didactic exercises have
been developed based on creative assignments and the students’ repertoire from their major studies.
All of this not only evoked a positive reaction and an unfeigned enthusiastic interest in the studies
on the part of the wind students, but also led to high resulting quality of application of the authorial
methodology, which has been highly evaluated in a number of regions of Russia and the countries
of the near abroad.
The aim of the article is to provide information, at least in part, on the content of the unique,
in many ways new and timeless methodology developed by Khlebnikova, to acquaint the readers
with the prospects of developing the basic practical rises of the present methodology and to arouse
interest among professionals in its real actualization and high effectivity.
Keywords: authorial methods, innovational instruction, wind performers, specificity, music
theory disciplines, solfege, musical ear.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33779/2587-6341.2020.1.194-204
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