About Instruments for Extending the Informational Space of the Artistic Higher Educational Institution
The article examines the issue of extending the informational space within the framework
of international cooperation by means of musical computer technologies (MCT) with the aim of
improving the quality of education during the process of teaching foreign students. The author
acknowledges the necessity of developing a methodology for applying the MCT in musical
education system of an artistic higher education institute. Description is made of authorial
educational courses of the Khabarovsk State Institute for Culture (KSIC) “Electronic Keyboard
Instruments” and “Computer Music Creativity.” The viability of expanding the timbrel aspect
of the electronic keyboard synthesizer with the richness of the musical culture of the Russian
Far-East and the countries of the Asian and Pacific Island Region. Analysis is made of the role
of the MCT in the educational space of the artistic higher educational institutions of the People’s
Republic of China (PRC). Accentuation is made of the interest of promoting the disciplines
connected with the MCT. This becomes manifested by the high level of technical infrastructure
of the musical computer auditoriums, as well as auditoriums for holding classes in the higher
educational institutions of PRC where computer technology is used.
Keywords: musical computer technologies, students from the People’s Republic of China,
international cooperation, electronic keyboard instrument, computer musical creativity.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33779/2587-6341.2020.3.182-191
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