About the Manifestation of the Comical Element in Bashkir National Opera
The article examines for the first time various manifestations of the comical element in Bashkir
national opera, in which the context of comedy is frequently present, among other examples, in
serious genres, such as epical, lyrical drama. Indication is made of genre prototypes derived from
Russian classical operas and a list of characteristic protagonists with whom the manifestation of the
comical element is connected. Also mention is made of the possible reasons for which the genre of
comic opera itself has not been created. The overview is made on a phased basis, in correspondence
with the overall periodization of the development of Bashkir opera: the “Russian,” classical and
contemporary stages. In sum a list is made of the forms and techniques of creation of the comical
effect, not only the musical, but the extra-musical (the lexis, tongue-twisters, repetitions of words
and word combinations, laughter). The carried out analysis and observations may present a useful
contribution to the development of the theory of national opera in national compositional schools.
Keywords: Bashkir national opera, manifestations of the comic element, parodying.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33779/2587-6341.2020.1.081-088
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