About the Verbalizing Patterns of an Assonant Text in the Solo vs. Group Singing of the Peoples from the Caucasus
The questions of identification of the traditional musical culture of closely related ethnic formations in a regional angle of Russian folklore studies have acquired relevant meaning in recent times. Their examination makes it possible to establish the character of integration of a cross-cultural phenomenon in a separately viewed folkloristic areal. The present article illuminates the model of movable bourdon polyphony of the general Caucasus variety and the role of the typological assonant text taking up a parity position equal to verbal speech. The attempt of reconstruction of etymology of such a text and the discovery of patterns of verbalization in it permits the disclosure of additional functions of the bourdon strata of the songs’ texture in the context of figurative-emotional and structural content.
Keyword: Caucasus cultural areal, regional culture, polyphony, solo-group singing, movable bourdon, assonant text, verbalization.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33779/2587-6341.2020.2.098-106
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