Rodion Shchedrin’s Opera “Lolita”: About the History of the Perm Production
The article is devoted to analysis of the first production in Russia of Rodion Shchedrin’s opera
“Lolita” based on Vladimir Nabokov’s novel with the same title, which took place in 2003 at the
Perm P. I. Tchaikovsky’s Opera and Ballet Theater. The date of the opera’s creation is specified
in the manuscript of the composer’s score. Questions are posed regarding the specificity of
Georgy Isaakyan’s stage direction solution, Valery Platonov’s conducting interpretation, Elena
Solovyova’s scenography, as well as the aspects of interaction between the stage producer and
the conductor. The process is characterized of the mastery by the Perm-based musicians of the
complex language of the opera score. An evaluation is given to the performances of the main roles
– of Lolita by Tatiana Kuindzhi and of Humbert by Alexander Agapov. The general concept of the
Perm performance is revealed – of protecting childhood from encroachment on the part of adults;
its realization is shown: introduction of a new group of protagonists, – namely, children, – into the
process of performance. A comparison is made of the Russian production in the city of Perm with
the world premiere, which took place in Stockholm. Evaluations of the Perm production are cited,
as expressed by Rodion Shchedrin and musicologist Ekaterina Vlasova, as well as by reviews of
the press. Valentina Kholopova’s assertion about the opera, as the “irrigation of life for the sake of
life” is examined as the actualized position of the Perm producers.
Keywords: opera “Lolita,” Rodion Shchedrin, Perm Opera and Ballet Theater, Georgy Isaakyan,
Valery Platonov.
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