Computer Musical Technologies in the Development of Methods of Correction of Human Beings’ Stress Induced Conditions
Within the frameworks of discussions of present-day tendencies in creation of computer
musical technologies the history of the emergence, achievement and prospects of development
of an innovational approach towards maintenance and correction of functional disorders by
means of musical and “music-simulated” impacts directed by human beings’ own bio-potentials
of their brain and heart. Following an analysis of the peculiarities of the “brain music” method
introduced for the first time by Russian neurologist Yakov Levin for curing insomnia, the paths
of its further perfection are examined and actualized. The latter include the switch to the online
version of “brain music,” utilization of electroencephalographic (EEG) oscillators crucial for the
patient upon their transformation into “music-simulated” curing impact, as well as the use of a
complex system of feedback from the bio-potentials of the brain and the heart for the expansion
of the effectiveness of the curing procedures. The elaborated and successfully tested computer
musical technologies are based on the induction of processes of perception and processing of
interceptive signals significant for human beings into the mechanisms of the brain’s multisensorial
integration, neuroplasticity and resonant mechanisms.
Keywords: computer musical technologies, transformation of EEG oscillators into music,
correction of stress induced conditions, complex system of feedback from the bio-potentials of the
brain and the heart.
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