Particular Features of the Theater Poster in Bashkiria in the Early 20th Century
The article examples the particularities of the theater poster in Bashkiria of the early 20th
century from the perspective of typography and its decorative design. The applied hermeneutic
methodology of analysis of the theater poster is defined as a method of semantic analysis of the
type-face. The authors examine the style of the theater poster (billboard) in Bashkiria, noting
the influence of the “modern” trend and constructivism on the formation of its peculiarities in
the early 20th century. The formation of the Bashkir theatrical poster as an independent genre of
graphic art is connected with the active development of the national theater. The article analyzes
the patterned calligraphic posters from the performances of “Nadirshakh,” “The Inspector-
General,” “Kabil Gabil” and other productions of Bashkir state theater of the 1920s. The stylistic
features of the theater poster of that period are examined and its decorative qualities, the close
connection of the republic’s national traditions with the ornamental character of Arabic weaving
s highlighted.
The originality of the Bashkir theater poster is also expressed in the simultaneous use of the
Cyrillic, Latin and Arabic typefaces, which is stipulated by the incorporation of several different
alphabets in the history of the Bashkir phonographic writing. Thereby, the theater poster assumes
the role of an ethnic artistic phenomenon and is conducive to the preservation of the Bashkir
people’s cultural-historical memory.
Keywords: theatrical poster, placard, theater life, font composition.
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