Sampling as a Process of Integration of New Technologies in the Musical Culture of Kazakhstan
Use of the sampling method has been gaining momentum in composition of music for films
and other commercial concert programs outside of Russia. A world premiere of music composed
by means of samples has taken place in Kazakhstan as the music for a series of documentary films
endowed with a philosophical and didactic context, titled “Bolmys” (Genesis). The young wrote
Olzhas Baibekov, who composed the music for these films, has been compared to the musical
work «Tulpar» by the modern composer Galia Bisengalieva “Tulpar,” who also to a certain
degree incorporates musical samples and lives in Great Britain. The authors arrive at interesting
conclusions about the position of sampling in music and its correspondence with the mental and
psychological background of the people. The degree of mastering sampling in professional music
depends on the context in which it is implemented and presented to the listeners. The technique
of sampling is demonstrated in comparison with the sound of authentic folk instruments which
reflect the spirit of the people, and its onomatopoeic moments and genetic context correspond to
the spirit and inner content of the musical composition.
Keywords: sampling, authentic sounds and instruments, mentality, technology, psychological
impact, information code.
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