The Culturological Aspects of the Pedagogue Musician’s Professional Training in Cultural Higher Educational Institutes of the Russian Far East
The article discusses the processes taking place in contemporary culture and education, about
the special mission of artistic higher educational institutions. It is emphasized that the domain
of culture and education in any concrete region plays a significant role in enrooting the young
generation in the traditions, spiritual meanings and the best specimens of artistic and musical
culture. Analysis is provided to the issues of formation of the musical pedagogical school of
the Russian Far East. The authors of the article share their position of the unification of the
artistic and the social enlightening components in this process. A perspective is provided of
various versions of formation of students’ creativity through participation in artistic musical
events in the city and the region. A considerable role in the formation of professional musical
education in the Russian Far East has been played by the Khabarovsk State Institute of Culture,
its faculty members and graduates who have worked in the region and have exerted influence
on the development of the cultural and artistic environment. The authors provide analysis of the
institute’s work experience of organizing the educational process of the different directions of
the musical training and arrive at conclusions regarding the results of the education in the fields
of music theory, performance and pedagogy, instruction of pedagogical practice to the students,
the enhancement of their activity, the mastery of the professional skills and the development of
their organizational habits. The article describes the activities of famous pedagogues among the
musicians who have graduated from this educational institution.
Keywords: regional cultural-educational space, musical culture, musical education,
pedagogical activities, higher education institutes of culture and art of the Russian Far East.
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