The Russian Music Society in the Far-Eastern Republic: Bonds of History
The article draws our attention to studying the phenomenon of the Russian Music Society (RMS)
in the Far-Eastern Republic (FER), one of the regions of Russia the history of which is inscribed
in the space of Russian musical culture. Exceeding the boundaries of Far Eastern regional studies,
the authors accentuate their attention on the line of succession which allows them to speak about
the Russian Music Society in the Far-Eastern Republic as the successor of the Imperial Russian
Music Society (IRMS) which during the period of political modernization of the country provided
the transition of musical heritage from Tsarist Russia to Soviet Russia. The real connection of
historical epochs acquires meaning by means of analyzing of the documentary materials of the
time. They act as a significant reference point in the evaluation of the historical role of the IRMS,
and they are also indicative of the succession of the Far Eastern RMS to those forms and methods
of socially oriented management, which were adopted by the IRMS and were widely implemented
in pursuit of its statutory objectives. Ensuring the geographical inclusion of all the regions of the
country in the process of cultivating Russian musical culture, this sociocultural work, evaluated in
the category of “public good,” provided a lasting foundation for work for the perspective future.
It was also a guarantee for an effective solution of the large-scale national project – the creation
of a music infrastructure of the country. The activities of the RMS in the Far-Eastern Republic,
the official recognition of the IRMS in the Sovietized unrecognized state proved to provide the
necessary link which on a regional level created a true connection between the two successive
historical epochs.
Keywords: Imperial Russian Music Society (IRMS), Russian Music Society (RMS), Far-
Eastern Republic (FER), history of cultural management, IRMS multi-vector network model.
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