Selected Attributes of Music and Musical Instruction in Slovakia During the Classical Period
The article focuses on the era of Classicism in Slovakia. It presents both systematic and specific research activities of Slovak musicologists; it describes the geographical location of the Slovak territory within Kingdom of Hungary; it characterizes the components of musical culture and the forms of musical performance. Special attention is given to the greater regional musical and cultural centers, which at that time were represented by the towns Bratislava and Košice. Description is given of the level of musical life in both cities and its formative components,
i.e. the influences of the nobility, the church and the bourgeoisie. Focus is made on musical education within the reformed school system in the Kingdom of Hungary; mention is made of the unique textbooks by Franz Paul Rigler and Johann Nepomuk Hummel, and contributions of other important figures.
Keywords: Slovakia, Classicism, musical life, music education.
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