Actualization of Areal History Competence in the Process of Training Music Pedagogues at Universities and Conservatories
The article defines the educational basis for the development of areal history competence
in the course of educational and professional activities of the future music pedagogue in the
unity of such professional aspects as a musician, teacher, researcher. The article demonstrates
the role of studying the local musical lore in the course of training bachelors in the universityand
conservatory-based musical educational system in Kazakhstan and the development of the
appropriate competence. In particular, the successful results of its development are shown by
means of organization of student research activities, the students’ individual and group work
in collecting materials related to areal history of any given topic, in performing creative tasks,
communicating with musicians, composers and mastering new knowledge on music areal
history, taking into account the professional orientation in a remote format and participating
in a creative project to fill up an established internet website. The article describes the areal
history competence of future music pedagogues in the framework of testing the elective course
of “Music Areal History” within the educational process of the bachelor's degree, which allowed
to identify the features and levels of its development in the process of education and training
of students in universities and conservatories in traditional and long-distance forms of study.
The article actualizes areal history competence as a significant professional and personal quality
of future musical pedagogues in accordance with the present-day requirements of university and
conservatory training.
Keywords: university and conservatory training of a music pedagogue, areal history competence
of a music pedagogue, long-distance study.
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