The Far-Eastern Ritual “Bear Holiday” in the Space of Computer Musical Technologies
In the present article music computer technologies are examined as an instrument of
preservation, modeling, and construction of lost timbres, intonational models and sound
spaces. The musical sequencer, which is one of the basic elements of contemporary music
computer technologies, is perceived within the frameworks of comprehension of the theory of
the “complex model of the semantical space of music.” The possibility of reconstruction (or,
simply, construction) of the previously existent sound semantic space, or the creation of a new
space by means of a sequencer, is examined. An example of such a reconstruction of the ritual
of the Bear Holiday pertaining to the peoples of the Russian Far-East is presented on the basis
of a variation-rondo-type poly-structural composition consisting of several different movements.
The development of a complex model of the semantic space of music is recognized as one of
the topical conceptions of understanding the contemporary processes in the sphere of computer
music technologies. The authors arrive at the conclusion about the possibility (and the necessity)
of a special type of construction by means of a sequencer of sound semantic spaces of lost
traditional rites, as well as the reconstruction of the timbres, manners of intonating and sound
effects. Special mention is made of the potential for forming a new unique structure of a musical
space existing with the aid of a sequencer.
Keywords: Bear Holiday, sound beam, music computer technologies, integrative model for the
semantic space of music, sequencer.
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