Preparation of Musical Pedagogy in Teachers’ Training Courses in Kazakhstan in the Last Quarter of the 19th and Early 20th Century
The article examines the process of musical education in the system of pedagogical
preparation in the teachers’ training colleges in Kazakhstan in the last quarter of the 19th and
the early 20th century. A study has been made of the contents, directions, forms and methods of
organization of music theory and musical performance education of the faculty. The national and
cultural peculiarities of the system of pedagogical education are disclosed, the chronology of the
organization of pedagogical educational institutions is formed, and the specificity of the process
of musical education, the professional level of musician pedagogues, the material-technical
and tutorial methodological provision of musical activities of teachers’ training colleges are
determined. During the 20th century the established system of musical education in the teachers’
training colleges in Kazakhstan became the foundation of musical preparation in intermediate
professional pedagogical institutions (technical schools, colleges), which became the prerequisite
for the formation of musical pedagogical education in Kazakhstan in the second half of the
20th century.
Keywords: teachers’ training colleges in Kazakhstan, musical-pedagogical preparation, musical
education, the discipline “Singing and Music.”
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