Lareh Koto Piliang: Systems of Governmental Power and Bronze Music in the Study of the Concept of Musical Aesthetics in Luhak Nan Tigo Minangkabau
This article aims to reveal the concept of Lareh Koto Piliang: Power Systems and Bronze
Music in a Study of the Concept of Musical Aesthetics in Luhak Nan Tigo Minangkabau.
Lareh Koto Piliang is oriented towards a monarchy system. It has a main character who has the
title Dt. Katumangguangan. As a legendary figure, Dt. Katumangguangan is believed by the
community to be a figure who puts an autocratic (monarchic) pattern of power and leadership.
The bronze music in this study is talempong bararak (procession) which is played as a musical
parade in the presentation of a title for a local leader, and musically consists of three pairs
of talempong – talempong jantan, talempong paningkah, and talempong pangawinan. Each of
the talempong pairs plays different rhythmic patterns and the combination of the three patterns
forms the unique melody of talempong bararak. The issues discussed in this article are : first,
the traditional historiography of Lareh Koto Piliang as part of the trilogy of power in Luhak Nan
Tigo Minangkabau; second, Lareh Koto Piliang and the concept of bronze music; and third, the
musical concept of talempong bararak. A qualitative method involving a close observation of a
talempong performance acted as a gateway to in-depth interviews. An interpretative analysis was
used to reveal the connection between power and bronze music. The results of the study show a
synchronization between power systems and bronze music, represented through the talempong
bararak ensemble.
Keywords: Lareh Koto Piliang, Bronze Music, Luhak Nan Tigo, Minangkabau, Indonesian
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