About the Peculiarities of Form Generation in the Adyghe Epic Genre
This article presents the study of the oldest genre of Adyghe folk music pertaining to the 2nd
millennium BC. The structures of the peculiarities of form generation in the procedural aspect
of their structure are examined on the basis of the unique song specimens preserved to our day
in which the faraway world of the protagonists of the heroic epos “The Narts.” For the first time
the attempt is made to attribute the characteristic form-structures in Nart songs, demonstrations
of the typified model of interaction between music and the verbal text, and establishment of
the correspondence of the songs spatial-temporal parameters with their stadial factor of real
Keywords: Adyghe folk music, epos “The Narts,” pshinatli, procedural side of form, typical
model of the genre of folk music, antiphonal, bourdon and stretto forms of cohesion, solo and
group singing.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33779/2587-6341.2021.2.138-147
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