Peculiarities of Musical Style in the Folk Songs of Belgorod-Oskol Region: Local Regional Manifestations
The content of the article discloses the particularities of musical style in the folk songs of the
village Rozhdestveno of the Valuy District of the Belgorod Region as a vivid example of the insulated
stylistic branch of folk music of the Belgorod-Oskol Region. The research is based on authorial
ethnographic musical materials gathered on the territory of the locus during the period from 1972 to
2010. The research disclosed the existence of season-based (spring, summer, etc.) roundelay-dance
(“khorovod”-dance) songs, a remarkable preservation of the wedding songs timed to the basic
stages of the wedding “game.” The integral and archaic qualities of the folk song tradition have
revealed itself in the typological parallels between the season-related roundelay-dance tunes and
the wedding tunes, which are characterized by a single melodic type, the presence of agricultural
subject matter, “alilyo” refrain, and double refrains like “lado, ladu, dushel moya” [“my darling,
my soul”]. The season-related tunes and texts have “penetrated” into the framework of the wedding
songs. The ritualistic songs are characterized by narrow-ranged modes with varying stable sounds,
existent within a small range of melodic development, adorned with fanciful rhythmic structures.
The musical style of the season-related and wedding songs is expressed by a differentiated and
varied heterophony, a functional two-voice polyphony with elements of three-voice polyphony, a
syllabic structure of verse with short song syntagmas. The caesuras of the musical and poetical texts
coincide, the vocal range being based on the foundation of perfect fourths and fifths, most often
with an omitted second degree of the scale. The songs pertaining to these genres are accompanied
by a special choreographic lexis – light, soft, sedate, despite the diversity of the motions of the feet,
hands and body. A unique phenomenon in the wedding tunes, as well as those of the spring and
summer seasonal periods are the songs with the “screaming out” effect, characterized not by stable,
but by varied tunes, which are quite complex in respects of vocalization. They are performed by a
“narrow” sound, softly, in the realm of the chest.
Keywords: folk songs, folk music of the Belgorod Region, season-related roundelay-dance
songs, wedding songs, heterophony.
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