A Multimodal Analysis of Hommage à Marina Tsvetayeva by Sofia Gubaidulina
The article reveals the stylistic features of the contrapuntal technique Sofia Gubaidulina applied
in her choral composition Hommage à Marina Tsvetaeva. This study analyzes Sofia Gubaidulina’s
contrapuntal technique of synthesizing the poetic and musical texts. It examines the genre
archetypes of each movement of the suite, analyzes the types of contrapuntal approaches in terms
of the parameters of tradition and innovation, and carries out a contextual analysis of the suite
as an exemplary contemporary choral composition. The five movements of the composition are
categorized into three genre archetypes (canon, motet, and psalmody), five types of contrapuntal
techniques (canonical imitation, hoquet, antiphon, continuous imitation and responsory) and four
types of 20th century compositional techniques (sonorism, pointillism, quotations and sonoric
aleatory technique). Nine vocal techniques and five types of vocal sound are utilized in this
composition. These vocal techniques and types of sounds are especially distinctive in the third,
fourth, and fifth movements of the work. This is, in all likelihood, the first article to examine the
technique of contrapuntal writing as a separate phenomenon in contemporary Russian music on the
example of Sofia Gubaidulina’s composition of Hommage à Marina Tsvetaeva, written in the genre
of a cycle of pieces for a cappella chorus.
Keywords: Sofia Gubaidulina, Marina Tsvetaeva, contemporary polyphonic writing, choral
polyphony, choral suite, canon, psalmody, motet.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33779/2587-6341.2021.3.123-136
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