A Retrospective Analysis of the Song Genres of Russian Folk Music
The article presents an academic generalization made by scholars of authorial results of the work of expeditions devoted to study of the genre nature of folk songs. In entirety, these data made it possible to formulate the fundamental positions about traditional culture and also to carry out retrospective research of the genre makeup of folk songs, in particular, to reveal their regional specificity. The historical-cultural analysis of the material has demonstrated the spiritual world of the musical heritage. The dynamics of the development of the Russian song determines the vector directed towards cognition of the sphere of human existence and world outlook. In light of the expounded data that authors emphasize that the Russian folk song can and must provide a unique source which consolidated around itself the scholarly, creative and spiritual potential of the peoples of Russia, putting into force its best ideas.
Keywords: genre nature of the Russian folk song, regional specificity of folk songs, spiritual potential of folk music
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.56620/2782-3598.2022.3.109-119
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