“Folk Music Culture” as an Academic Discipline in the System of Secondary Vocational Education: Problems and Perspectives
Folk musical culture is one of the significant disciplines in the system of secondary vocational education, which does not enjoy any academic or methodological support in the present day. The article discusses the key problems associated with the implementation of this training course, such as the lack of modern teaching manuals and compilations of demonstration material, and most importantly, the currently outdated methodological approach, according to which folk musical culture is regarded as a summation of folklore texts. The author substantiates the relevance of developing a different — namely, a culturological — approach to the study of the discipline, which would ensure the perception of its object as an integral multidimensional phenomenon. For the implementation of this initiative, a thematic plan is proposed, drawn up on the basis of the author’s own teaching experience within the framework of the teaching load, which is provided for by the current educational standards. As it was being formed, the requests and interests of students were taken into account, identified as a result of a sociological survey of students at the Kaluga S. I. Taneyev Regional Music College. In conclusion, means of solving the problem of educational and methodological support are determined with a focus on the capabilities of the modern digital educational environment.
Keywords: folk musical culture, secondary vocational education, culturological approach, intercultural communication, tutorial manual
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