The Processes of Digitalization in Art and Creativity: Dialectics of Interconnection
The article examines the peculiarities of the processes of digitalization in contemporary art and their influence on the artist, the comprehension of virtual space in the philosophy of postmodernism. In the article the specificity of digital art is discussed, and the extent of justifiability of the predictions of the development of virtual reality in art is determined. In the philosophy of postmodernism, the processes of virtualization have been evaluated ambivalently. The virtual dimension does not always stand against reality. Art presents a sphere of a productive interaction between the real and the virtual. The virtual world created by art contains within itself the possibility of transferal into actual reality. On the one hand, the contemporary processes of digitalization in art enhance the tendencies of degradation of the cyber culture, the possibility of replacement of the artist with the programmer. On the other hand, they erase the boundary between the real and the virtual worlds. The space generated by the computer opens up new strata of the multifaceted world, other dimensions of the already familiar existence. The means of computer technologies generate diversity in the aesthetic perception of art. But for actualization of the virtual space as a transformed reality a creator is required. The preservation of the self-sufficient presence of the artist in digital technologies of art would be possible with the aid of the dialectic character of their interaction.
Keywords: digital technologies, philosophy of postmodernism, virtual reality technologies, digital art, digitalization and creativity
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