Simon Steen-Andersen — a Composer of the Postmodernist Era
The composer’s position in the contemporary academic musical culture includes an entire spectrum of directives: from the modern to the postmodern. The postmodernist aesthetical directive towards irony and the element of play are the most akin to Danish composer Simon Steen-Anderson, who has received broad recognition in the professional community. In this article, the conceptions of three compositions by Steen-Andersen are analyzed — Black Box Music for solo percussionist and fifteen performers (2012), In Spite Of, And Maybe Even Therefore for winds, piano, percussion and double-bass (2007) and Amongst for amplified guitar and large orchestra (2005). These compositions demonstrate a prevalence of the compositional strategies of deconstruction, which make it possible for the composer to choose an unexpected and nontrivial angle in regard to such archetypical dialogic ideas as “the orchestra vs. the soloist,” “the conductor vs. the soloist,” “the old vs. the new.”
Keywords: Simon Steen-Andersen, Black Box Music, In Spite Of, And Maybe Even Therefore, Amongst, postmodernism, deconstruction, the concept of a musical compositionFull Text:
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